Neuwo use case: Achieving €60,000 Monthly Savings with Automated Tagging 

In the digital age, content is king. Whether you’re a media company, a marketing agency, or a content creator, managing large volumes of content efficiently is crucial. One often overlooked aspect of content management is the process of tagging articles with relevant keywords and categories. Manual tagging can be time-consuming and costly, but with the advent of automated tagging solutions, there’s a clear return on investment (ROI) that comes from streamlining this essential task.

Here is an illustrative example on how to achieve substantial savings with automated tagging

The Cost of Manual Tagging

Let’s begin by understanding the cost associated with manual tagging. Imagine a scenario where a team of 100 journalists is responsible for writing 100 articles each, resulting in 10,000 articles produced each month. Their hourly rate is €25. On average, it takes approximately 15 minutes (0.25 hours) to tag an article with 10 categories and IAB Categories. This manual process results in a substantial time commitment.

Total Time: 2,500 hours spent for tagging per month

Total Cost: €62,500 per month

This cost doesn’t just include the direct monetary expenditure on salaries but also the opportunity cost of human resources that could be deployed for more strategic and creative tasks. So, how can automated tagging change the game?

Automating the Tagging Process

Automated tagging solutions, powered by AI and machine learning, offer an efficient alternative. These systems can analyze and categorize articles in a matter of seconds, drastically reducing the time and effort required. Let’s assume that an automated system can tag an article in just 0.01 hours.

Total Time: 100 hours spent for tagging per month

Total Cost: below €800 per month automation service fee

The dramatic difference in time and cost between manual and automated tagging is where the ROI becomes evident.

The ROI of Automated Tagging

1. Cost Savings

Automated tagging can yield substantial cost savings. In our example, making the switch from manual to automated tagging saves €62,500 per month. This represents a significant reduction in labor costs and allows organizations to allocate their resources more strategically.

2. Increased Productivity

With automated tagging, your content management team can focus on more high-value tasks. Creativity, strategy, and content creation can take the forefront while the repetitive, time-consuming tagging process is handled efficiently by the automation system.

3. Consistency and Accuracy

Automation ensures consistency and accuracy in tagging. Human errors and variations in tagging can be eliminated, leading to more reliable and searchable content. This can result in improved user experience and better SEO rankings.

4. Scalability

As your content volume grows, automated tagging can easily scale to handle the increased workload. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for companies experiencing rapid growth.

5. Faster Turnaround

With automated tagging, articles can be tagged and published more quickly. This can be a game-changer for time-sensitive content, news articles, or marketing campaigns.

What can we learn from this?

The ROI of automated tagging is clear and compelling. By reducing costs, improving productivity, ensuring consistency, and providing scalability, automated tagging solutions not only pay for themselves but also contribute to the overall efficiency and competitiveness of your content management process. The key is to choose the right automation tool that aligns with your specific needs and goals.

In the digital landscape of publishing, where content is a valuable commodity, investing in automated tagging can be a strategic move with a significant ROI. It’s not just about saving money but about unlocking the full potential of your content management efforts.

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